And they certainly are not isolationists. Really about biggest issue on the minds of San d'Oria's citizens, is how the two sons of the king, are constantly trying to one-up each other through their deeds and their bickering. Crafters, business owners, and farmers are respected for the importance of their work to the city-state and rewarded fairly. By comparison, San d'Oria is pretty idealistic, led by a fair and just king.
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As well as the fact that Ishgard has an Inquisition where proving one's innocence is extremely hard, and often ignored unless absolutely irrefutable proof is given, making invoking the right of Trial by Combat often the better bet. And even in those, there are high-born who look down upon low-born joining the ranks. The two city-states remain fundamentally different on several points though: Ishgard is Darker and Edgier, due to its social issues, where it is nearly impossible to rise above commoner unless one becomes a knight or member of the clergy. Castle like city, with the commoners area being on the outside, and the nobles closer to the inner city? Check. Military primarily of Knights and their orders? Check, even possessing one order that shares a name, and performs somewhat similar role. Ishgard almost singularly worships Halone the Fury, a warrior goddess, who is but one god, out of twelve, who are still held below Hydaelyn. Very devout to religion and home to said religion's Archbishop? Check note Though somewhat different, in that San d'Oria had the Cathedral of the Goddess of the Dawn, which to Vana'Diel, was the chief deity the 5 races worship there equivelent to Hydaelyn. Home to primarily an Elven-like race? Check.
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Part of what eventually forces them to open their doors to outsiders is the Heretics gaining ground as an organized movement capable of planning thanks to Iceheart, as the Ishgardians have no idea how to fend off an organized threat that thinks and fights like people instead of raging dragons, and this further shows itself with all the resistance Aymeric ends up facing in his attempts to bring a peaceful end to the war. Ishgardian astrology only focuses on a single star, the Dragonstar, to plot the dragons' movements. Sharlayan astrology uses several constellations and can be used for healing magic. Crippling Overspecialization: The Ishgardians have dedicated their entire culture to their war against the dragons, leaving them stunted in all other fields because of it.Said questline partially revolved around helping the clerics in training overcome the negative perception of the church after Thordon's actions were made public, as well as rooting out some of the corruption. While the Archbishop, his personal guards, and a good chunk of the upper class members of the clergy certainly fit the bill, the Saint Endalim's Scholasticate questline shows that a good majority of the clergy is still devoted to actually helping the poor and needy. But when you present him with a letter from another House requesting permission to send some of their forces to aid House Drillemont, he absolutely explodes in rage and goes on an infuriated rant. He already had little patience for you after you (in his eyes) "wasted his time" by requesting access to a sacred Ishgardian ruin based on a "baseless" rumor, and claiming that one of your companions was Cid without any proof. Berserk Button: Lord Drillemont absolutely despises the idea of allowing outsiders to aide in House Durendaire affairs, seeing it as a sign of weakness.

In Stormblood, they join the fray to liberate Ala Mhigo as a member of the Eorzean Alliance, but they rally behind the Warrior of Light and their battle cries consist of statements like "Ishgard Remembers, Warrior of Light!" During the Scholasticate questline, a certain NPC is blamed for the theft of a statue's head and is found innocent due to the authorities believing the Warrior of Light for their word alone, with no need to go on a quest to prove said innocence. 100% Heroism Rating: After the Dragonsong War reaches its conclusion, the majority of Ishgardians regard the Warrior of Light as a true hero who they completely respect and trust.